Positive Material Identification

X-ray fluorescence is one of the methods for PMI (Positive Material Identification). The process involves the analysis of materials to verify the chemical composition of metals and alloys. PMI’s semi-quantitative chemical analysis is an ideal option for confirming the alloy or type from large samples of material, re-certifying materials, testing finished components parts, as well as analyzing materials that cannot be damaged, destroyed, or sent to a lab.  

The equipment contains radioactive sources or a low voltage x-ray generator, which sends out radiation. The exposed material then sends temporarily element specific radiation back, generating energy. As every element has its own atomic structure, this reflection will generate a different energy level for every element.

This energy is measured and detected, thus identifying the alloy elements. The disengaged radiation is very low and extra safety means are not necessary.

Advantages of Positive Material Identification

For the oil and gas industry employing PMI for pre-service and in-service inspection of critical parts and welds can prevent breakdown and avoid costly ramifications.

Highly portable and cost-effective, Positive Material Identification can be performed in the field or at our facility.

PMI can:

  • Ensure that the correct alloy is used during manufacturing

  • Determine if the wrong alloy has been used

  • Verify that welded components have used the proper filler material

  • Confirm that material conforms to standards and specifications as set by both the customer and industry

  • For industrial purposes, can be used for weld inspection, thickness measurement, corrosion inspection, flaw detection and rolling stock inspection

Our experienced PMI inspectors can obtain on-the-spot results and provide certification via a written report.  Additionally, we can also interpret and provide advice from the results of the Positive Material Identification inspection.